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فلسطين _ قلقيلية
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المواضيع الأخيرة
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge
منتديات الكسندر :: الفئة الأولى :: الاسلام لمن يتكلمون الانجليزية Islam for those who speak English (for foreigners)
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge
Bridge Fatih Sultan Mehmet, and is also called the Bosphorus Bridge II (in Turkish: Fatih Sultan Mehmet Köprüsü, FSM Köprüsü or 2. Boğaziçi Köprüsü), a bridge is located in Istanbul, Turkey and cut the Bosphorus (Turkish: Boğaziçi), and called the bridge relative to the Ottoman Sultan Muhammad Conqueror who conquered Istanbul in 1453 and ended the Byzantine Empire.
Reaches the bridge between the Asian side (in Turkish: Kavacık) and the European side (in Turkish: Hisarüstü), a suspension bridge comprises two towers of steel, and the distance between Berger 1090 meter high towers of the level of the road 105 meters and the distance between the bridge and the sea level is 64 meters, and the bridge Fatih Sultan Mehmet sixth longest suspension bridge in the world when built in 1988. He is currently at the center fourteenth tallest suspension bridge in the world.
The tower is designed by a company Freeman Fox and Partners, the same company that designed the Bosphorus Bridge took over work on the establishment of the bridge global coalition made up of three Japanese companies and the Italian company and a Turkish company has completed the bridge in July 3, 1988, and has opened by Deputy Turkish President Turgut Özal, who himself led his car as the first official who crosses the bridge. The cost of the bridge to reach U.S. $ 130 million.
Reaches the bridge between the Asian side (in Turkish: Kavacık) and the European side (in Turkish: Hisarüstü), a suspension bridge comprises two towers of steel, and the distance between Berger 1090 meter high towers of the level of the road 105 meters and the distance between the bridge and the sea level is 64 meters, and the bridge Fatih Sultan Mehmet sixth longest suspension bridge in the world when built in 1988. He is currently at the center fourteenth tallest suspension bridge in the world.
The tower is designed by a company Freeman Fox and Partners, the same company that designed the Bosphorus Bridge took over work on the establishment of the bridge global coalition made up of three Japanese companies and the Italian company and a Turkish company has completed the bridge in July 3, 1988, and has opened by Deputy Turkish President Turgut Özal, who himself led his car as the first official who crosses the bridge. The cost of the bridge to reach U.S. $ 130 million.
منتديات الكسندر :: الفئة الأولى :: الاسلام لمن يتكلمون الانجليزية Islam for those who speak English (for foreigners)
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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